Creator:Amoco Oil Date Created: Place Created: Keywords:Amoco Oil,H Tracy Hall Inc Context:invoices ************************************************** Amoco Uil Company P.O. Bo* 202B1 Raleigli. North Carolina 27611 1 Phone 919 87^-7600 0007 [«*l M rro I tun Aim** Accounts Due Upon Racflipt Of Statimont Past Due Amount 6. Closing Date .00 1 Previous Balance 7 Finance Charge .00 2. Oeduci Payments of 8 Add Purchases of 41.RA 3 Deduct Credits ol .00 9 Canadian Exchange 4 Adjusted Previous Balance .00 1Q Add Iniunnce Pieimumi and/or ■ Motor Club Dues .00 Payment of this amount must reach us within \ 25 days from closing date to avoid addi \ tional finance charge / 11. New Balance 5. Balance on which finance charge computid. .00 12 Minimum^rontnowdue-^TOk any pasamour^ ^ C^^y Check No. Date Annual Percentage Rate Periodic Rate (monthly) l.S* Keep this stub for tax purposes. ORIGINAL INVOICE Card No. Sold To: ------ . . - ...__Date » etchantlisa or Serwica ■ ' Jtliian. . <3 Price Amount AMOCO Slips Premium AMERICAN 1 LeatfFree 1 AMERICAN Super Premium | AMOCO | Regular Tax i Federal. Stale and Local trot when f^fiS^^l arvtcat^taU^prbaM 3 \?6~* 00315 Notice to Buyer: (1) Do not sign this agreement (set forth on reverse side) before you read it or if it contains blank spaces. (2) You are altitled to an exact copy of this agreement completely filled in at the time you sign it; save it to protect your rights. (3) You have the right to pay in advance the full amount due. Buyer hereby acknowledges receipt of a true executed copy of this agreement. Buyer's Signaturr Written and imprint totals must agree. FORM A-090-D REV. 1-73 882115 ^LT^DDfiEbS DD375 £> CHRISTrNscM <595 E 67H NO i>ROVO UTAH ORIGINAL INVOICE Card No. Sold To: E--0 CHRISTENS EN m 885 E 8TH NO 1PROVO UTAH 00100 3 23 74 NNN Notce to Buyer: (1) Do not sign this agreement (set forth on reverse side) before you read it or if it faitains blank spaces. (2) You are entitled to an exact copy of this agreement completely filled in at the time you sign it; save it to protect your rights. (3) You have the right to pay in advance the full amount due. Buyer hereby acknowledges receipt of a true executed copy of this agreement. Buyers Signature FORM A-090-D REV. 1-73 imprint totals n n n —i —. must agree |J Q j Q | ^ Card No. Sold To: Initial p CHRlSTENSEN 695 E BTH NO PROVO UTAH Notice to Buyer: (1) Do not sign this agreement (set forth on reverse side) before you read it or if it contains blank spaces. (2) You are entitled to an exact copy of this agreement completely filled in at the time you sign it; save it to protect your rights. (3) You have the right to pay in advance the full amount due. Buyer hereby acknowledges receipt of a true executed copy of this agreement. fatonl Slats and local Tims, wtian I—ffl WMBwyaned. Buyer's Signature Written and imprint totals must agree. FORM A-090-D REV. 1-73 bsissq NNN ORIGINAL INVOICE AMOCO Super Premium AMERICAN | leasee | AMERICAN Super Premium | AMOCO Tax FsJsrat Slits and Local Tsiei «ri»n •S'ISlwiSrt'mS"' NNN Notice to Buyer: |1) Do not sign this agreement (set forth on reverse side) before you read it or if it contains blank spaces. (2) You are fititled to an exact copy of this agreement completely filled in at the time you sign it; save it to protect your rights. (3) You have the right to pay in advance the full amount due. Buyer hereby acknowledges receipt of a true executed copy of this agreement. Buyer's Signature Written and imprint totals must agtee. -^rCRRISTCTISTSK 695 E 8TH NO NOVO UTAH ORIGINAL INVOICE Card No. | Sold To: Sold By: Initial -C CHRISTENSEN i695 E 8TH NO UTAH 3 23 74 Sftl (\ •asftr- ' optica Amount AMOCO AMERICAN Sowf Premium Supoc Pterin loiffM AMERICA* AMOCO Regjei U-S-.l i 1 [x Tax WoMiraMiiilMinpAawd i Notice to Buyer: (1) Do not sign this agreement (set forth on reverse side) before you read it or if it contains blank spaces. (2) You are entitled to an exact copy of this agreement completely filled in at the time you sign it; save it to protect your rights. (3) You have the right to pay in advance the full amount due. Buyer hereby acknowledges receipt of a true executed copy of this agreement. Buyers Signature Written and imprint totals must agree. FORM A-090-D REV. 1-73 D8381Q NNN ORIGINAL INVOICE Card No. tSold To: $00310 Notice to Buyer: (1) Do not sign this agreement (set forth on reverse side) before you read it or if it contains blank spaces. (2) You are erttnledto an exact copy of this agreement completely filled in at the time you sign it; save it to protect your rights. (3) You have the right to pay in advance the full amount due. Buyer hereby acknowledges receipt of a true executed copy of this agreement. Buyer's Signature Written and imprint totals must agree. FORM A-090-D REV. 1-73 NNN ^ CHRICTENSEN €95 E 8TH NO ^ROVO UTAH ORIGINAL INVOICE Card No. | Sold To: Sold p CHRITT£NSEN 695 £ 8TH NO PROVO UTAH 4 08 74 H—.orW uLT? Price Amount . AMOCO AMERICAN le*ft» Super Premium Swer Premium AMOCtH -rlW | y Tax X I ■ ~hiii fafcrai. Slati 2nd LociTaietwhen / rT^i ss&aasr X 00101 Notice to Buyer: (1) Do not sign this agreement (set forth on reverse side) before you read it or if it contains blank spaces. (2) You are entitled to'an exact copy of this agreement completely filled in at the time you sign it; save it to protect your rights. (3) You have the right to pay in advance the full amount due. Buyer hereby acknowledges receipt of a true Executed copy of this agreement. Buyer's Signature Written and imprint totals must agree. FORM A-090-D REV. 1-73 ^81801 NNN